It’s June 5th and here are some reasons why this day matters in rock history:
In 1975, Pink Floyd’s former singer Syd Barrett turned up in the studio and was present while the band mixed Wish You Were Here. The majority of album’s tracks referred to Barrett’s increasing dementia.
In 2003, The Project, a group made-up of ex-Guns N’ Roses members Slash, Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum, picked Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland as their vocalist, three days after Scott pled not guilty to drug charges. They’d go on to become Velvet Revolver.
In 1964, The Rolling Stones played their first-ever live show in America when they kicked off a North American tour in San Bernardino, California in support of their first album, The Rolling Stone.
In 1977, Alice Cooper’s boa constrictor, which appeared in his live act, suffered a fatal bite from a rat it was having for breakfast.
In 2002, Ramones bassist Dee Dee Ramone was found dead age 50 of a heroin overdose in his Hollywood home.
In 2007, Paul McCartney released his 21st solo album, Memory Almost Full.
In 1997, Oasis’ Noel Gallagher married Meg Matthews in Las Vegas. They would get divorced four years later.
And that’s what happened today in rock history.
(H/T This Day In Music)