Photo: Getty Images
When it comes to naming a child, some parents use the opportunity to pay homage to something meaningful to them, perhaps a beloved relative or a significant location in their lives. One set of parents plan to do that as well, except the thing they will honor with their child's name is their favorite fast food chain, Taco Bell.
Clara and Trey Bell both love the Mexican food restaurant chain and, since their last name gives them a great opportunity to pay tribute to that love, they want to name their child Taco, so he will be Taco Bell. In a TikTok video, they addressed their desire, responding to someone who asked, "Are you guys really gonna name your kid Taco?" by saying, "It's our top name choice so far. Since our last name is Bell, it would just be hilarious if our kid's name was Taco Bell. Hopefully, Taco Bell doesn't get bullied though."
Commenters did think it was funny, but also pointed out the potential repercussions for naming a child Taco Bell. One wrote, "Hilarious for now, not when they try to get a job or be an adult," while another noted, "Well, they could always work at Taco Bell I'm sure." Another creative viewer commented, "You aren't gonna name them Jingle?"
That person didn't have to wait too long to find out what other name the couple has in mind. It turns out that Taco will have a sibling - the pair is expecting twins and they already know what they'll call the other baby: Tinker. As in, Tinker Bell.
They seem to be sticking with it too, showing off ultrasounds with the names on them.
In more recent videos though, while they are still thinking about Taco and Tinker, they seem to be having other ideas, like a mix of their names:
Or other potentially problematic monikers:
They then were asked what the real names will be and posted a video explaining their thoughts on it.
You can keep up to date with Clara and Trey by following them on TikTok.