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Ghost Photographed At Infamously Haunted Sanatorium

A woman visiting the infamously haunted Waverly Hill Sanatorium in Kentucky was able to capture a spooky photograph that appears to show a ghost lurking in a doorway.

Maggie Clark was participating in one of the site's ghost tours this past Saturday when the eerie image was taken.

Clark was exploring the top floor of the building when she noticed a ball on the floor. She snapped a picture of the area using the night mode on her camera.

After looking at the picture, she realized she captured something way more interesting.

In the image, an odd form can be seen lurking at the edge of the doorway and the outline of a shoe is visible.

Clark shared the image on social media and many observers were skeptical.

According to Clark, the photo has not been altered. "Posting a fake picture serves me no purpose," she said.

Clark also noted that the apparition only appeared on one image among the other pictures she took at that moment.

Photo: Getty Images / Maggie Clark

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