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Man Stumbles Upon Florida Alligator With Entire Top Jaw Ripped Off

A wildlife biologist and photographer was in the Florida Everglades and came across a pretty unique alligator.

Chris Gillette was trying to find a rare Burmese python when he stumbled upon an alligator relaxing in the Florida heat. However, this alligator was missing the entire top part of its jaw.

The gator only had the bottom jaw with the tongue and lower teeth exposed. To make matters worse, it was also blind in one eye.

The giant reptile was alive despite its disabilities. However, it's unclear how the gator is able to hunt, chew, and survive in the wild.

“What an absolutely incredible survivor! Blind in one eye and missing the top jaw, but surprisingly healthy and surviving! Likely living off of apple snails and small fish,” Gillette wrote.

Photo: Getty Images

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