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Paramedics Come Under Fire After Posting TikTok From Back Of Ambulance


Photo: iStockphoto

A pair of female paramedics came under fire after posting a video on TikTok showing them dancing during their break.

25-year-old Rhianna Higgins and her colleague Hattie Proctor performed the dance routine in the back of an ambulance that belongs to the Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS).

The video, captioned "Little boogie on break," has been viewed by over 280,000 people.

One angry user posted the comment, "Shouldn't you be saving lives?!"

"Wow god help us all if we call 999 when all they think about is TikTok," said another.

A spokesperson for the Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust has spoken out, saying "We are aware of the video which was filmed during a rest break and we are taking the opportunity to remind colleagues about acting professionally at all times when representing the Trust."

"We remain very proud of the amazing job our staff does to care for patients, often in challenging circumstances."

Other users have spoken out in support of the dancing pair and pointed out that they're entitled to a break for all the effort they put in.

Broadcaster Piers Morgan even took to Twitter, telling his followers "If you're genuinely 'furious' that overworked, underpaid paramedics are having a few minutes of fun in between saving lives.... You're an imbecile."

"They are heroes who are having some fun during their horrendous work schedule," another user commented.

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