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Doorbell Camera Shows 'Selfish' Parents Taking All The Candy From Bowl

Halloween Candy

Photo: Canva Images

A woman’s doorbell camera caught a pair of adults selfishly taking all of the candy from a Halloween bowl while trick-or-treating, and the video has gone viral.

The video was posted on TikTok by user Elizabeth Peck with the caption, “I was in bed eating candy watching and laughing.”

The video begins with Peck staring at the camera with text that read, “It’s the adults you have to look out for when trusting trick or treaters,” and what happens next explains why.

In the video, an adult man and woman approach Peck's house with their two children. They pick up the bowl filled with Halloween candy and empty all the goodies into their large sacks before walking away.

Due to COVID-19, Peck left the candy outside in good faith to avoid answering the door and face-to-face interactions.

Viewers were shocked at what the parents did, saying it set a bad example for their children.

“Why have they got to ruin it for other people’s kids? Like really, teaching your kids selfish things,” said one user. Another said: “These parents are entitled and embarrassing and that’s putting it nicely.”

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