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Ghostly Figure Captured By Ship's Security Camera Before Dissolving Away

At Sea...

Photo: iStockphoto

An eerie piece of footage captured by a ship's CCTV security camera shows what appears to be a full-bodied apparition manifest out of thin air.

According to the post on Reddit, the incident occurred on a ship sailing near the coast of Somalia. To avoid the attention of pirates, the ship's lights were turned off, and all of the crew members were told to stay in their rooms.

In the video, an empty room is shown before a bright orb passes through the scene. Then, suddenly, a full-bodied figure slowly manifests.

The mysterious figure stands for a few seconds in that location before simply dissolving away.

Many viewers believe the oddity spotted in the recording was a ghost, while skeptical observers argue it was some kind of video artifact or hoax.

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