

Franny has been on-air with iHeartRadio for over 12 years and loving every day of it, but this girl can't sit still! You can find her bouncing around...Full Bio


Woman Gets Busted Stealing And Shoving Mangoes Down Her Bike Shorts

Fresh Slices of Mango on a Bed of Leaves

Photo: Getty Images

A Florida woman had a hankering for some mangoes and going to the grocery was not an option because you can get them free on a tree on someone's private property.. duh! Well, not really. You can actually get a fine of $200 for doing this, so don't get any ideas people!


In the video woman took a break from her bike ride to snag some of these juicy fruits! She is in full on cycle gear... spandex shorts and a helmet included. She can be seen climbing up a fence that appears to be on a private property. The video (taken on a cellphone) was posted to an Instagram page dedicated to all things nonsense in Florida, @FloridaMan.

Check it out here.

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