Guy Calls Police and Demands They Return His Stolen Weed

A man from Sharonville, OH recently called the police to get back his pot.

According to the guy, it was "only like 4 grams, but is was really good weed." The Sharonville Police Department may have confiscated the weed during an another incident involving his wife over Labor Day Weekend. He claims the weed was in her purse, and said that two cops "stole it." However, he wouldn't give the officer on the phone his name, or his wife's name, because he felt like he was being trapped.

The Sharonville PD posted audio of the call online (listen to it below), along with a Facebook post that said:

As a result of a recently received complaint, a misconception around the use and possession of marijuana has come to our attention. We feel that some people may be a bit in the weeds so we would like to take this opportunity to clear the haze.
We’re not trying to stone anyone here so we’ve edited this audio to protect the true identity of Mr. Marilyn Manson, as well as the ears of any younger listeners.
To be blunt, recreational marijuana is still ILLEGAL... per our STATE law. We don't make the rules; we just took an oath to uphold them. Here in Sharonville, OH 100 grams is not "cool."

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